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Shopping / shopping tours

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We will be happy to do your shopping before your arrival or during your stay.
Send us your 'shopping list' and we will purchase selected products and store them in your home accordingly.

Service price is 10% of your purchases, min. 500 TL,
Bulk shopping: 950 TL.

Provision of the 19 l drinking water container:

Incl. house cleaning, per bottle:

70 TL

Two bottles, delivered together:

80 TL

Excl. House cleaning, per bottle:

400 TL

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You can rent our car (max. 4 people) for a day, accompanied by Ms. Kandora or a colleague (bilingual), for a shopping trip to the shops of your choice. We will translate for you and help with price negotiations. No commission on the purchase value.

If you would like to drive your own car, Ms. Kandora can accompany you on the shopping trip and assist with price negotiations and translations.

Price per hour £ 22,

Or you can go as a passenger in a Kandora Service car at the price of £ 170 per day.

We are also happy to offer advice on suitable shopping opportunities in the Izmir area.
Price corresponds to the distance.

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